Application: This type road roller is used for the maintenance for municipal road and highway, the compaction for the groove foundation, ditch backfill, construction and square,and laminate the lawn as well. Product features: C. Adopts the domestic famous brand hydraulic pump, motor, can walk forward or backward, convenient to operate D. Lengthen the armrest, convenient to change the direction, adapt to different height of people. F. The whole roller is plastic treated, anti-rust, anti-corrosion and beautiful.
Technical parameters:
JS-YL-600S |
Travel speed |
3.8km/h(forward or backward) |
Oil tank volume |
3.6 L |
Theoretical grade ability |
30% |
Lubricant quantity |
1.6 L |
Static Linear Pressure |
37N/cm |
Fuel consumption |
≤280g/kwh |
Nominal amplitude |
0.6m |
Width of the steel wheel |
600mm |
Vibration frequency |
70Hz |
Steel wheel diameter |
425mm |
Vibration force |
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免責聲明:以上所展示的信息由會員自行提供,內容的真實性、準確性和合法性 由發布會員負責。中國路麵機械網對此不承擔任何責任。 友情提醒:為規避購買風險,建議您在購買相關產品前務必確認供應商資質(營業執照等證件)及產品質量。我們原則上建議您選擇經過中國路麵機械網認證的 守信通 會員 商家簡介
山東九山重工有限公司坐落於素有運河之都、孔孟之鄉美譽的山東濟寧。緊靠貫穿南北的京九線鐵路、京滬鐵路、京福 鐵路、京杭大運河,得天獨厚的地理位置為廣大的客戶帶來交通運輸的便利條件. 九山重工是一家集科研、生產及銷售為一體的綜合性企業。 推薦產品